Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Using Up Stores!

In the last two years I've learned a lot about 'putting food up' or storing it for use out of season.  I think this is an important skill and strategy if you are concerned about where your food comes from.  If you don't believe me, I implore you to buy some extra corn on the cob this summer and freeze it.  When you go to use it just steam it or mix with a little butter and water...I'm telling you, you'll never go back to canned corn!

The point is, my food preservation skills and strategies have increased significantly since I decided to be concerned with my food sources.  That has left me with a cupboard full of canned goods, a chest freezer full of frozen foods and even a few things dried (although doing more of that is my food goal for this year).  So right now, I am trying to use up what has been stored to make room for whats to come.  Know what goes nicely with a salad of Spring Greens?  Butternut squash ravioloi!  Butternut squash isn't in season you say...well it is in my house when it was baked, pureed and frozen.  My one regret was not cubing some and freezing it without cooking.  Oh well, there is always next year!

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