Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Maple Blossoms

I live in the Pacific Northwest...but not the rainy grey part.  In fact the area I live in is quite sunny (and receives significantly less rain than Portland for instance).  But alas, spring is the rainy season.  After moving north from Southern California where everything is dry and desert like for most of the year I quickly learned to appreciate the rain.  Its what makes it so green here.  A green landscape makes me happy.  It is my favorite color after all!  But more to the point, one of the things that happens in Spring that is a significant contributor to the green factor is the blooming of the big leaf maple!  They are gorgeous in fall when the leaves are changing, but in winter they stand barren for several months and the landscape is just not the same because of it.  In springtime, however, the trees spring alive and magically cascades of flowering blossoms (a yellowish green color) appear.  Then the leaves begin to unfold and suddenly the world has righted itself once more...or at least its green again.

Just before this transformation happens an internal change occurs that is very important to seasonal eaters.  As the weather warms up, the sap in the trees begins to flow at a high rate in preparation for the coming bloom.  This is when maple trees are tapped.  If you live in the north east you are probably familiar with tapping sugar maples, but the big leaf maples of the west can also be tapped.  Generally when the nights are still in the 30's and the days peak into the 50's is the time to do this.  The flow rate isn't as high as a sugar maple but you can still collect a decent amount of sap.

We are having an unusually fast spring this year so I didn't get a chance to tap any trees.  It was going to be the first time (last year I acquired the supplies and did TONS of research on the subject).  My intention was to turn some sap into maple flavoring (I had maple scones on my mind).  Even though I didn't have the opportunity to try this new venture I thought it worth saying that the flavor of MAPLE is what is in season in spring!  Click on the link and discover one way to indulge in this flavor: cinnamon rolls! 

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