
This blog is meant to be a story and a tool.  My goal is to tell the story of eating seasonally in hopes that others partake in the culinary joy that is eating in season and preserving food and flavors for use out of season.  The greatest lesson I've learned since my seasonal eating journey began in 2011 is that it takes forethought, some time and planning or preparation...but then again, so do most rewarding experiences in life like a good vacation or an excellent party. Unlike those occasions that happen maybe once a year, eating occurs everyday, multiple times a day!  So its definitely worth every second of effort required to get to the 'eat and enjoy!' step at the end of a recipe.  However, I realize not everyone has the time and effort to plan a seasonal meal on a daily basis, which is why I intend for this blog to be used as a reference tool for planning a meal when you've just got off work or you are preparing to can tomatoes for use until next season.  Bon appetit!

While I hope to one day come to know the readers of this blog, for now its safe to say that I hope the readers of this blog are:
  • a home cook looking to expand their repetoire
  • a back yard gardener with so much zuchinni they don't know how to possibly use it all
  • a city slicker with two hens in the backyard and a few fresh eggs in the fridge
  • a mom who loves to frequent the farmers' market and is wondering what to do with all the produce options in front of her (bok what? collard who?)
  • a young couple who stares at a pile of sweet meat pumpkins and thinks "You mean pumpkins are edible? I thought they were for carving and pie filling only came in a can!"
  • anyone who is standing in front of the fridge at 7pm and hungry, saying "What can I possibly make for dinner tonight?!?"

Currently I have a flock of four hens.  The happy girls are (in pecking order):  
  • thing 1- a portly Buff Oprington (there was a thing 2, but she was lost to a racoon); 
  • Paprika- a reliable layer called a Production Red (which is a cross of some sort);  
  • Creme- a Americauna or Easter Egger and  
  • Cookies- a beautiful Silver-laced Wyandotte (Cookies and Creme sounds better, but hey I don't control the pecking order...or the naming for that matter.  That duty is given to my sister). 
At this time only two are laying, thing 1 who is 15 months old and Paprika at 9 months old.  Cookies and Creme were born in April and I look forward to their eggs sometime around September.  Since Springtime, I've been getting about 12-13 eggs a week! (winter was obviously slower due to predators and the lack of daylight).

I am a freckle-faced, fun loving, at home kinda gal who really can't get enough of cracking herself up!  I like to knit, scrapbook, cook, bake and garden.  I can't get enough of the outdoors be it running, dirt biking, skiing, paddle boarding, playing soccer or hiking. I love to entertain friends and family and take care of loving creatures.  I enjoy listening to books on tape and taking naps in a hammock.  Most importantly I love experimenting in the kitchen...and of course eating!

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